Tales From The Bottomless Pit (BLOG) "THE RABBIT HOLE"

EARTH DATE: 12142017....Good morning my star people, you know who you are, It was our ancestors who created civilization, the change have started with those who are already part of the 1% who we came for, I know it sound like sci-fi to some but many know the truth about this dimension and the good and evil who exist here for a short time, we are from the Sirius Star System, 8 light years from this dimension called Africa(Amexem) and not the milky way as the devil have told you over the ages, (Amexen and Andromeda Twin dimensions) it had a name long before the greeks evolved from the caves of europe, how can they name anything in the universe when they didn't come from the universe, we knew about the stars before Galileo's mama was borned, your ancestors never went through an Ice age or evolution as the wicked have led you to believe, this is the start of re-educating those who wish to be re-educated, history have been changed around on the people of africa by the europeans and their advocates who is your own kind, we are about to enter the Rabbit Hole which is very very deep and only the brave and those who seek the light will enter, we as Vanguards of the Universe will be your guide on this journey of truth in the "Bottomless Pit", the apple look good but is rotton as hell on the inside, the apple is the people of earth who are wicked and evil, and their deeds will cause them much pain before they leave here, we overstand this land of West Africa now called America and we will start this journey by saying this, "WE ARE BACK AND FEARLESS, TO DIE A GOOD DEATH, IS BETTER THAN TO HAVE LIVED AN EVIL LIFE".......In 1993, the United Nations Center for Human Rights, recognized the Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Muur--Moor Empire as the Oldest Indigenous group of people on Earth. The registered Project # 215/93 ensued, the Washitaws who was wrote from the history books was on this land a 100,000 years before columbus came, all these native american tribes are Moors, Washitaw, Yamasee, Iroquois, Cherokee, Choctaw, Blackfoot, Pequot, Mohegan (and/or All Indigenous People of America, we was the copper colored people columbus saw and wrote about, they wrote us from the history book and gave our history to the descendants of the Mongolians who invaded this land and the pope of Rome told you that, but many have forgot what he said, he said the Moors are the true Native Americans, they still want to keep that lie today and you seen the president just honor some of the Mongolians in the white house for helping with the war, they was able to read the code because those were their ancestors they was fighting, so this prove it will be your own kind who help them slay you and we will go into this deeper as we travel through time, a sister wrote us a letter and said it was time that we start teaching our young the the truth, we must get away from this ugly ass color game, they take the color of purity and give you the color of death, and most fall for the shit, they got your last name but got you thinking you got their last name, we brought them from the cave and gave them a history just remember that, have a safe and beutiful day star people.............Peace & Love